individual copies may not force their choices on each other, and the
all-encompassing core self-awareness. In this “game”, infinite possibilities of
interaction exist with every permutation of choice available. These appear as
seamless reality to each of the individual copies as they focus their attention
according to their preference. For example: individual 'A' and individual 'B'
each have numerous realities they are participating in simultaneously. Each
reality for an individual is a self-contained bubble created out of the energy
of that particular individual. The people populating each other's realities are
mirrors representing an aspect of that reality creator's opinions. These people
are available for the “real” individual to place, or rather focus, their
awareness into if they choose to interact in that specific script or story. At
the current moment in our development as individuals we are only able to
perceive one reality at a time. So as individual A's reality 1, which is also
individual B's reality 1, becomes unpleasant for individual B, individual B
will refocus or shift their awareness to a different reality they are
participating in. A copy of individual B will still be present in reality 1,
but this will only be a projection or construct which is created out of
individual A's energy, not affecting in any shape or form individual B.
Individual B's awareness may actually be experiencing reality 3 which
individual B finds more pleasant, while sharing it with the awareness of
individuals C and H.
the possibility of everything, every event, and everyone in the world being a
representation of your ideas. Little skits being played out, for you to see and
decide if you like or dislike them. The question immediately comes up “what
about bad things happening to people?” This is a touchy subject but consider
these two possibilities, if these people are “out there” then that's exactly
the point, it was out there and it didn't happen to you. It is no different
than a movie, a TV show, or a play and it has nothing to do with you. It is a
representation of a possibility, which does not directly affect you, but gives
you a very good opportunity to examine the idea and come to your own
conclusions as well as to take the actions you decide are necessary to
experience or avoid the experience. Possibility number two has to do with the
“bad” affecting you directly, the reason for this is the “Law of Attraction”,
or in other words “what you think is what you get.” This is difficult to
accept, but that doesn't change the effect. The mind has limitations on its
understanding, and either has a difficult time processing or doesn't process at
all the prefix 'not'. Thus not-poor registers and vibrates as poor, and is the
opposite of wealthy. Not-sick vibrates as sick and is the opposite of healthy,
not sad unfortunately is the opposite of happy. Change what you want, and get
only “good”.
As people
grow their awareness, sooner or later they discover God, which equates to
finding self-awareness. This may be equated to an infant discovering itself, and
the realization that they are a boy like daddy or girl like mommy, and that
they are a person which is different from the animal pets surrounding them. As
children grow and mature, they discover and learn new talents and abilities as
well as control and intentional manipulation of them, part of this growth for
self-awareness would have to be the control and intentional manipulation of its
abilities which is the control and intentional manipulation of everything.
Children are
born, grow, evolve, mature, become adults, create their own children, and
finally die. This is the “cycle of life” as people have experienced it for
millennia. It is a flat cycle, implying no past and more importantly no growth,
no potential, and no future. Now let’s rename it into the “spiral of life” and
look at what that idea produces. At the end of each cycle there is a
transformation into the next stage, the end of an octave on a piano is the
beginning of the next one. There is something before the beginning of the arc,
and there is no end at the end only another beginning, also its diameter
increases constantly as it undergoes constant growth. On this spiral of life an
infant doesn't remember its early days, as the infant goes to sleep and wakes
up there is an absence of memory of what happened previously, but even in the
absence of memory there is still development and growth and some information is
retained. Parents are there to nurture and guide the infant at that time, and
there is nothing “unnatural” about the process. Sooner or later the infant
grows into being a toddler.
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