We are a collection of the choices we make. We are the ideas we choose to pursue, the choices which move us in the direction of our goals, the choices which reinforce our ideas and choices, and finally we are the result of all of those choices put together. We are the result of our choices.
We are the result of choosing to go or not to go to college. We are the result of choosing to date or not to date someone. We are the result of choosing one or another career. We are the result of choosing to drive a car, ride a bike, or of taking public transportation. We are the result of choosing to be friendly, or ambitious, or relaxed.We are the result of choosing to reinforce our goal of getting a college degree by choosing to go to class. We are the result of choosing to be a hard worker, and of choosing to reinforce that choice by working overtime and by taking extra classes. We are the result of choosing to be healthy, and reinforcing that choice by choosing to exercise and choosing our diet accordingly.
We are the result of our choices as all of the reinforcements result in diplomas, marriages, skills, and awareness. Nothing can ever change or take away our chosen achievements. Nothing can reverse buying a car. It can be sold, it can be crashed, it can be repossessed, but nothing can reverse the purchase itself. We know what we know, and we have experienced what we have experienced and nothing can take that away, only add to it.
The past is the past and the future, even with all the plans we make, is unknown. The only control we have is over the choices we make right now. The choices of our goals, the choices of the paths to those goals, the choices of what we like, and the choices of how we feel. We are the results of our choices. What are we choosing now?
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