Friday, October 31, 2014

A Basis Of Belief

At the basis of everything there is belief. Before ​asking for proof, reviewing data, considering outcomes, there must be the simple, most basic allowance of the concept. There at least needs to be the allowance of the possibility of the idea, and this allowance lays the foundation for belief. The belief that something is possible, even if improbable, or as yet undiscovered. If you do not want to believe in something and thereby do not allow the possibility, no amount of proof will convince you otherwise. There will be a wall of "no I cannot believe this, there is no way this is possible, this cannot be." All of the arguments concealing the idea that "believing this will negatively impact ME!"​

Whatever "this" is, does not affect everyone since someone is telling you about "this", or proposing "this". If "this" doesn't affect everyone, then "this" has to affect the "me",​ and since the "me" accepts other ideas, then there must be something about "this" that the "me" does not accept and thereby refuses to even consider the idea. If there is not even the consideration of the idea, then all of the proof, evidence, arguments, and examples will be dismissed regardless of their validity. Belief in the possibility, no matter how remote, will allow for the validation or confirmation of the idea in whatever form it takes for you personally. If you believe, you will find the proof. If you do not believe, no matter the proof, you will not believe. What, about a specific idea, do you find positive or negative for you?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Measure Of Time

Time is what happens before we believe something. Walking from one street corner to another takes a certain amount of steps. It takes a certain number of concrete slabs. It takes a certain amount of doorways. It takes a certain amount of body actions. Processing or perceiving all of these "items" takes a certain number of ticks on a watch. Even without all of the "items", we believe that walking the distance should take the number of ticks we established before.​

A child perceives time as a succession of events or occurrences. For example, for mommy and daddy to come home the following events have to occur: ​going to daycare, coming home, playing, eating, taking a nap, watching TV, taking a walk, and feeding the dog. The time each of those actions takes is irrelevant. However long each action takes to complete is inconsequential, it takes however long it takes, but those are the tasks to be completed. Once all of the tasks are completed, then by all rights mommy and daddy should be walking through the door at any moment.

Time is not a rigid measure. Time is not a constant entity. Time is a collection or group of events which we believe, or think, need to occur prior to a specific event we are placing chronologically. Past experience gives us an idea of how long this will take on a watch. The experience may come, and mostly does come, from others. How "long" it takes to do a task we've never done. How "long" it takes to create political change. How "long" it takes to travel a certain distance. How "long" it takes to get an education. How "long" we will live. All of these "longs" have their associated groups of events, and all of the events have their associated established time. Changing the events changes the time. Finding a way to remove an associated event from the group changes the time.​

While this would wreak havoc on a project manager's life, I would propose that the question "how long will this task take?" is not an appropriate one. The answer itself creates an expectation of time, and events will "magically" appear to validate the expectation. The truer measure may be the question "what needs to happen for this task to be complete?" or "what needs to happen for this task to be complete in a specific amount of time?" What needs to happen also has an associated number of ticks, but the question "how can we change what needs to happen?" should help.​

Time "needed" to achieve a goal is the events that "need" to happen to achieve a goal. Changing the events or removing them altogether, changes what "needs" to happen and changes the time "needed" to achieve a goal. Without "needs" and without goals, time is events. Events may be quick, events may take an entire life. Events may be linear, one after the other, or they may occur simultaneously. Some events have a specific order, while others do not. Our life-time is our life's events, all of the events that occur during our life. Time is not how long of a distance we travel, it is the events we experience.

My Ideas, Notebook 2

The journal I keep as my lifetime unfolds.

The Pain Of Death

Death is a part of life. While this has become a cliche, it does not diminish its accuracy. It is the end of the cycle for everything and everyone. Why is something that is such an integral part of our existence, have such a devastating effect when it occurs? Why do some of us get stuck, not being able to change anything about the cycle of death, and not being able to move on and live our lives to the fullest? We all know, and tell each other, that our loved ones would want us to go on and enjoy our lives. Yet we sink into, and wallow, in the misery and sorrow when someone dies.​

​ Why do those of us who manage to get past the pain, feel the need for the appearances of sorrow, lest we are found out and labeled as "unfeeling" and thereby "uncaring"? Why do we feel as though we will be judged on how long we mourned, and anything less than a certain amount of time is somehow disrespectful? Why is there guilt over letting someone go? Why do we feel that to let go of someone dear to us, somehow betrays our memory of them? Why do we feel that if we can let them go, it somehow means we didn't love them as much as we thought?

What is wrong with our approach to death? What is wrong with our understanding of it? What is wrong with our beliefs about it?​ What do we not know about it that would prevent this regular, everyday, cyclically occurring, life experience, from wreaking such havoc and bringing such misery?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Price I Pay

There is a price that I already pay, and for this price there is a role in life that I expect to play. There is a price that I already pay, there is a value that is "minimum" I say.

For what I want there is a price that I will have to pay. Is that a price that I have will to pay? It is a price that I already pay, so what I want is "that" for which I pay.

How much of "house" is my commute time worth? How much of "cost of living"? What is the "value" for the life it costs? What is the the gain for what I treat as loss?

I pay with life for all my gain and loss. With time for value, gain exchanged for loss. Life is the price that I consider lost, for trinkets, or for what I want the most.

I pay with life, which I consider lost. What I want now, is value for the cost.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Make A Wish

The repetition of choices is what makes life. An original choice was made, and it has been snowballing since. One choice after another, blending together to create more choices. Learning "what choice would I make in this situation?" An original dot on the page, and all the ink since. Seeing what the next choice will be, and the next, and the next, and the next. The carrot works better than the stick. If you don't make the choice, something else will. Nature, or parents, or friends, or society, or God. If not you then something will make the choice for you. So why not be you?​

The next time there's the opportunity to make a choice, regardless of what you actually do, in your mind make the choice you want. Whatever it is, no matte how irrational, how unlikely, how hopeful, make a choice. Perhaps that's what's called making a wish. Who knows you better than you? Who knows better than you what you really, really want?​ No one, not any one, no other one. Only you know what you really, really, really want. Next time when there's the opportunity, even if you don't act on it, even if you don't believe it, make a wish just for the fun of it. Just to make fun of what I am suggesting. Just to know for yourself what the choice you made really, really, really was.

Imagine this is a competition. The one with the most awesome, wildest, happiest, most cool, funniest idea wins. Imagine the prize is that, that idea becomes reality. Imagine that the most mind blowing, joy boundary pushing, pulse raising, "I cannot believe this is happening to me!" idea gets the prize of being made real. What does that do for you? Does that make you want to forget about misery, and spend a little time on just what an idea like that would be? The misery will still be there waiting if you want it, but just for a moment pretend that your idea has merit. That your idea is the one. The fantasy that will become reality. What would it be?

What ​is that raunchiest of raunchy, naughtiest of naughty, wildest of wild, biggest smile eliciting thought you can have? Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you wealthy? Are you wise? What more? What else? What want is your biggest wish?

My Ideas, Notebook 1

The journal I keep as my lifetime unfolds.

What is the Idea?

Our thoughts create reality. The ideas in our minds have the ability to shape and change reality around us. As an architect gets an idea and pursues it, that idea of a structure, little by little (or not so little) gets more mass and momentum until it is realized in the "real world". Of course we can say that it took blueprints, and money, and workers, and permits, and materials, and time, or we can look and see how an idea took form in the "real world".​

The builders, materials, finances, all of these things are what is necessary for us to believe in the idea. All of these are the things necessary for the idea to manifest in a way that makes sense. At the core, at its most basic though, is that an idea of a building became the reality of a building.​

The more minds, individuals, cells, others we can interest in supporting and manifesting the idea of the building, or manifesting any other idea for that matter, the faster and easier it manifests in our reality.​ It will manifest, become real, in a way that makes sense to all, such as a construction site with workers and cranes and visible progress. It will appear natural and ordinary, but an idea makes its way into the real physical world. That is the reality. What was, or is, the idea?


Hoarding is the stockpiling of resources because we might need them, and not actually using them. Food, money, knowledge, awareness, calories. Collecting, accumulating, and storing now, because we may need it later.

What is the point of knowledge if it is not taught to anyone? What is the point of energy calories if there is no activity to use them? What is the point of money if it is not spent on anything? What is the point of talent if it is not shown to anyone? What is the point of awareness if is not shared with anyone?​

Stockpiling clutters up the available space until there is no more movement. Growth requires the use of available "resources". Use of food, money, knowledge, skills, talents, space. Use of resources promotes growth. If resources are not used they lose their energy potential. Food spoils, money devalues, knowledge becomes outdated, skills dull.​

Hoarding is the friction in the cycle of receiving and using. Hoarding is just another term for resistance, friction, capping, interference, fear. Hoarding, being afraid of potentially needing it and not having it.​

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Matrix Summarized

We are within a Self-Aware entity and we are the masks through which it looks at itself, from each of our unique points of view. But we are not merely in it, for it to look through, we also affect the outcome to give it a better view. We are in it, co-controlling. A better, more pleasant, perspective is beneficial for both so whatever we can do to steer towards it, is beneficial for both.
We control the matrix, and I'm describing the techniques. It's a Self intuitive system, with user individualized controls. Since it has to be Self discovered and Self realized, it has to have the simplest of controls. Anything the individual can come up with, has to then be a control. Even if not all of the functions are available, it would make sense to try only the pleasant ones, since accidentally an unpleasant one may be activated.

Since it is a matrix, all objects have to be part of its program even if we do not know the codes yet. So if we can control some of its functions, we can learn how to control more of its functions. Potentially we can control all of the functions. Commands can be entered in any format; thought, word and deed, be they valid or invalid. Change in the environment will show their activation and effectiveness.

Better in my opinion to start from the positive omniscience and omnipotence for all, side of the scale. The "all are...happy, healthy, wealthy, wise" type of a command. Constantly looking for proof of such a command's activation, and telling everyone else to do the same. Rather than the opposite type. Just in case. How bad can the world be if everyone is constantly searching for what's better for everyone?

The Idea Of Choice

The choice of which belief is beneficial to all? The choice to believe that we are insignificant, or that we are all equally important? The choice to believe that we and all are wealthy, or that only some are? The choice to believe that we are in charge of our destiny, or that we are not? The choice to act as the examples of the best human qualities, or not? Which choice of belief is beneficial to all, that we are all special, or that only some are? That all are able to benefit, or only some? That everything is within our control, or only some things? The choice of which idea helps all? The choice that helps all, or the one that doesn't?

How can the belief in something that benefits all, be bad? How can an action, conceived to benefit all, be bad? How can an idea that benefits all, be bad? If there is no doubt that the idea or action benefit all, how can they be bad? How can putting forth the best effort in everything, be it personal or professional, be bad? How can striving to be the best, so as to help others the most, be bad? How can choosing happiness and joy for all, be bad?​ How can choosing happiness and joy for anyone without any misery for any other, be bad? How can choosing happiness and joy, without requiring anything of anyone else, be bad? How can an idea or belief which benefits all, be bad?

​It can't.

With These Words The Journey Begins

What is it all about? Why are we here? How did we get here? What possessed me to pick this book to read, this movie to watch, this song to listen to, this street to walk on? I don’t know for sure, but I do have an idea about it. I would like to share my ideas, views and opinions with you. I would like to share with you what I think, and hope it will help bring some clarity, joy, and improvement in your life. Maybe my friends are right and I just have something to say, and this is my way of having it heard. Maybe, but perhaps that is the point as well. Why does a painter paint? Why does a sculptor sculpt? Why does a musician play? Is it for those around them, or is it for them regardless of the audience? Is it because they have something to say and merely use their chosen medium as a way to express themselves? Would they still create if there was no audience? What do you have to say, and how will you express it? Will you only express it if you have an audience, or will you create and those who need to see it will see it?

The ideas I offer are not to entice or force anyone to my path. I offer these ideas to propose that there are other paths available. These ideas are to propose and to remind that there are other ways of looking at things. What if there is more to life than we have been taught, so far discovered, or even fantasized? I am offering the possibility of a reality different from the one we perceive on a daily basis. More importantly I would like to offer the idea that “there is something else out there”. I am not offering my reality, I am only using the way I see things to illustrate a different way of looking at them. This is only for a way to see things differently from the way we have been seeing them so far, not to say that my way is the right way. This is my seeing the potentials of something different in the world around us and more specifically the world around me.

If you decide to embark on this journey, you will decide on what it is you would like to see. Your journey will be your own and unique, just like you are an individual and unique. You will have your own guides and you will find your own proof. Any discoveries you make, or epiphanies you have, will be your own. If this sounds like a copout, I have just one question. Why would you want to repeat my or anyone else’s life? As I follow my path and have my fun I discover what works for me. I discover who I am and what I want to be. My actions and my future are shaped by my wants, my past experiences and my awareness. Your decisions will be driven by you; all I offer is the idea that there is something more to you and for you.

If you only read this introduction and nothing else, I would like to remind you of and give you these three ideas. If you do nothing else smile, know what choices you make in a situation, and take really small steps. Smiling will force you to think of things to make you smile. Smiling will force people to either rise to your level and smile or shy away from you. All of the results of smiling are better for you. Knowing what choices you make will put things in perspective and show you why you are making the choices you are making. Doing something you make a choice to do because of something is different from and better than feeling trapped, even if it is something you do not like. Making the choice to do something shows you clearly what needs to change for things to improve, even if it is just your acceptance of the situation. Small steps will keep your attention on what you can do now without daunting you with “what will I do next or later”. Looking at a distant goal may stop you from taking any steps towards it. Instead look at every moment and think “this leads to a worse situation, and this leads to better”. Do the little thing that leads to better and repeat moment after moment. When you look back you will be amazed at where you ended up, but looking far ahead may have stopped you completely. So remember; smile, choose, do.

If you feel there is something else out there. If you feel there is more to the world. Know that you are not strange. Know that there is nothing wrong with you. Know that you are not alone. Know your Self.