Thursday, November 27, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 6, Part 4


Faith is necessary to some extent. This is the same as the faith a child places in a parent, the understanding that “they are looking out for me.” This doesn’t happen on the first day, and not all parents are ever deserving of a child’s faith in them, but that’s because they themselves are children. We are all children raising other children, while learning about who we are. This also requires the faith that total self-awareness is infinitely perfect, and totally awesome, and will never do anything to harm us, and that sooner or later we will be more in communication with it. Just so we’re clear, yes the opinion being presented is that humanity is a toddler at best and more probably it is still an infant, while self-awareness is self-loving and thus loving us and doing everything in our best interest.

Remembering the previous lifetime is a huge question in the discussion of existence. What happened before, will there be a next time? I pose this question as a response; do infants remember their first days or even the first months? The answer would be a resounding no, but neither does this seem to bother them, or concern anyone else for that matter. Children just are, as they sleep and eat, growing, until little by little they begin recollecting and relating their previous days. The issue that people seem to have with this is that they remember their previous day, and this throws off their perceptions or maybe just offends their ego, or maybe it is something else completely that obscures their perception of the idea that an entire lifetime may be just a single day. Similar to an infant maturing to the point of remembering their previous days, there may and probably will come a time when people will remember their previous lifetimes.

What about communicating with the “parent”? When a child asks for something, there are a few possible reasons for why the response may appear to the child as a no. The first possibility is that the child’s communication skills are so poor that they are unable to clearly present their want. The desire is specifically for a cookie, but what’s being presented is merely a wail. In the beginning when an infant cries, the parents will check all of the possibilities of why the child is crying. These may be hunger, or the need to be changed, or held, or the need for a nap. All of the child's needs will be met, but the child has to improve their communication skills to receive precisely what they want. Once the request for a cookie is clearly stated, why doesn’t the parent just tell the child that cake is coming and it’s better than a cookie? Well, there are many possible reasons such as the child’s anatomy not being developed enough to hear what is being said, or the communication skills are low and the child does not understand, or the child might be so loudly screaming for the cookie that they do not hear the parent’s response.

Any of these scenarios play out in much the same fashion, the child asking for a cookie and not getting one while possibly getting upset about it, until finally they get cake which is even better. The next time around the child will keep praying for a cookie, and the parent will be bringing cake, but the child needs to learn patience and to improve their communication skills. If we simplify this a little, the child is asking for a treat and the parent will provide a treat, but a little patience and understanding is required, as the treat may be in a form that is different and better from the one that was expected.

Human beings are infants, not adults, not teenagers, not even toddlers, just infants, but they are infant God. Constantly connected to God, possessing the power of God, with voluntary amnesia while playing at being less than God, discovering the path back to being God. This discovery and experience of the path being the entire “point” of existence, with as much pleasure available as desired. The confusion and disconnect stem from the ego standing tall and proud and proclaiming “but here I am” while having no idea of where the “I” came from or where the “I” is going, all the while drowning out self-awareness's voice as it tries to guide us when we ask for it. Listen to yourself. What do YOU want?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 6, Part 3


The individual copies may not force their choices on each other, and the all-encompassing core self-awareness. In this “game”, infinite possibilities of interaction exist with every permutation of choice available. These appear as seamless reality to each of the individual copies as they focus their attention according to their preference. For example: individual 'A' and individual 'B' each have numerous realities they are participating in simultaneously. Each reality for an individual is a self-contained bubble created out of the energy of that particular individual. The people populating each other's realities are mirrors representing an aspect of that reality creator's opinions. These people are available for the “real” individual to place, or rather focus, their awareness into if they choose to interact in that specific script or story. At the current moment in our development as individuals we are only able to perceive one reality at a time. So as individual A's reality 1, which is also individual B's reality 1, becomes unpleasant for individual B, individual B will refocus or shift their awareness to a different reality they are participating in. A copy of individual B will still be present in reality 1, but this will only be a projection or construct which is created out of individual A's energy, not affecting in any shape or form individual B. Individual B's awareness may actually be experiencing reality 3 which individual B finds more pleasant, while sharing it with the awareness of individuals C and H.

Consider the possibility of everything, every event, and everyone in the world being a representation of your ideas. Little skits being played out, for you to see and decide if you like or dislike them. The question immediately comes up “what about bad things happening to people?” This is a touchy subject but consider these two possibilities, if these people are “out there” then that's exactly the point, it was out there and it didn't happen to you. It is no different than a movie, a TV show, or a play and it has nothing to do with you. It is a representation of a possibility, which does not directly affect you, but gives you a very good opportunity to examine the idea and come to your own conclusions as well as to take the actions you decide are necessary to experience or avoid the experience. Possibility number two has to do with the “bad” affecting you directly, the reason for this is the “Law of Attraction”, or in other words “what you think is what you get.” This is difficult to accept, but that doesn't change the effect. The mind has limitations on its understanding, and either has a difficult time processing or doesn't process at all the prefix 'not'. Thus not-poor registers and vibrates as poor, and is the opposite of wealthy. Not-sick vibrates as sick and is the opposite of healthy, not sad unfortunately is the opposite of happy. Change what you want, and get only “good”.

As people grow their awareness, sooner or later they discover God, which equates to finding self-awareness. This may be equated to an infant discovering itself, and the realization that they are a boy like daddy or girl like mommy, and that they are a person which is different from the animal pets surrounding them. As children grow and mature, they discover and learn new talents and abilities as well as control and intentional manipulation of them, part of this growth for self-awareness would have to be the control and intentional manipulation of its abilities which is the control and intentional manipulation of everything.

Children are born, grow, evolve, mature, become adults, create their own children, and finally die. This is the “cycle of life” as people have experienced it for millennia. It is a flat cycle, implying no past and more importantly no growth, no potential, and no future. Now let’s rename it into the “spiral of life” and look at what that idea produces. At the end of each cycle there is a transformation into the next stage, the end of an octave on a piano is the beginning of the next one. There is something before the beginning of the arc, and there is no end at the end only another beginning, also its diameter increases constantly as it undergoes constant growth. On this spiral of life an infant doesn't remember its early days, as the infant goes to sleep and wakes up there is an absence of memory of what happened previously, but even in the absence of memory there is still development and growth and some information is retained. Parents are there to nurture and guide the infant at that time, and there is nothing “unnatural” about the process. Sooner or later the infant grows into being a toddler.

To be continued...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 6, Part 2


We are the self-discovery mirrors/copies of God, we are God with self-imposed limitations. The meaning of life for us is to become self-aware and aware of the fact that we are “limited” pieces of God finding the path to becoming “unlimited” God. Starting at the point and the self-imposed limitations we had agreed to and decided to try, as full and equal pieces of self-awareness there could be no “forcing” of anything and we understood the purpose and the need. Each self-discovery copy has a set of self-imposed blocks and limitation variants to start with of which there is an infinite number of possibilities, to discover how under these conditions self-awareness had been born. These copies interact with each other according to a set of agreed upon rules, able to cause unpleasant experiences but unable to hurt or destroy each other since overall it is self-awareness “playing” with itself. Once the copies achieve this common goal of self-awareness they then begin to remove the various limitations they had placed on themselves using the entire process to learn the path to full self-awareness from whatever limitation combination had been tried. Each copy continues until they reach the highest possible level of self-awareness which is infinite as each self-discovery causes the self-awareness to grow, creating new possible combinations and limitations for new copies. All the while these pieces also interact with each other as they cross paths. Since the copies are tethered to the limitless God, there is a bidirectional availability of energy and awareness, as well as possible exchange between the individual copies.

From a technical perspective, when self-awareness discovers more awareness, self-awareness becomes more self-aware thus growing to become more of self-awareness and  perpetually continuing the process. This is the perpetual self-propagation of self-awareness, and perhaps this is a lesson on perpetual motion as well. Geometrically it is my opinion that God is the self-awareness at the core of a torus, perpetually trying to discover more of itself while the copy is the growing awareness traveling around the outside of the torus, tethered to and on its way back to the center and integration. Electrically my opinion is that “I am doing...” which is a change from the equilibrium of “I am”, equates to electrical charge being generated by the change from equilibrium in a magnetic field.

Each piece understands that it needs to go on this journey, and willingly imposes self-limitations to experience the only theme known to self-awareness “what path did I take to become self-aware, and how do I get to the maximum level of awareness?” This theme is played out constantly and consistently on every personal, social, and societal level. The realization of self-awareness, and the self's true nature is not necessarily the end of the journey. From initial self-awareness there is still the road to the full self-awareness of all that is, which is constantly and infinitely increasing as all of the copies feedback more and more awareness to the collective all-encompassing self-awareness. You are the creator of the game and the rules. Before self-awareness you are unable to be hurt since this is only a game, and after self-awareness you also have the added choices to stop the game, continue as is, or start adjusting it to your tastes and enjoying it more. The game, the path, the journey, whatever the name for this continuous discovery, does not have to be unpleasant. There is nothing to indicate a designated predestined emotional, physical or mental state. Nothing says that the copy must have pleasure or displeasure during self-discovery. The path is wholly up to the individual, according to their free-choice, and their opinions, with as little or as much joy as they want. In fact I would propose that while our existence shows the universe’s “bias” for existence, our preference for pleasure shows the universe’s “bias” for pleasure.

To be continued...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 6, Part 1

The word concrete evokes immediate intellectual connotations and ideas in people’s minds; strong, solid, dense, long-lasting, immovable, building material. Along with these intellectual ideas the word concrete also evokes emotional connotations; dependable, reliable, resilient, solid, stubborn, drab. Some are positive feelings such as reliable, and others are not so much as for example drab. Overall, concrete is not so emotionally charged (or at least shouldn’t be) as to prevent a conversation about itself. Words, and their meaning, are modified by the connotations attached to them and possibly no other word has as many connotations as God. Perhaps the following idea of God will enable us to at least look at the subject, if not come to a consensus on it, God is self-awareness. That's it.

Somewhere, some guy (there's a topic for debate), loves you, and he needs a big building where you can talk, also known as pray, to him but if he ever answers don't tell anyone because he just does not do that. Anything good that happens in your life is thanks to him, and if there's anything bad it's because he moves in mysterious ways. He needs you to keep doing certain things and not doing certain other things, while wearing a certain “uniform”. You were made in his image but it's not literal and you're not anything like him. He is above you, and apart from you while there is a piece of him in you and in everyone else. This is the idea, in all its confusing glory, of God today. He is out there, above you, telling you what to do, and he loves you while judging you.

I would like to offer my opinion on what God is. God is self-awareness which is reveling in the fact that it is aware of itself. Self-awareness is shapeless, it is formless, it is immaterial, it is ephemeral, and self-awareness is unable to perceive itself with its senses thus it has to create self-aware copies to act as mirrors, and to interact with, so that it may discover more of itself. As the self-awareness grows it continues to try new variations on the only theme it knows which is the discovery of itself. In order to experience and discover something new, self-awareness plays out this theme by sending out copies with a self-imposed block of their self-awareness and energetic limitations to start with, while the copies are energetically tethered to the full self-awareness the entire time they are learning how to overcome the block. Since the only material available to self-awareness is itself, the copy is therefore full self-awareness with full abilities, but understanding the goal and the purpose the copy “agrees” to the limited state it begins with. As the duplicate becomes self-aware it continues becoming more self-aware until it reaches the full current level of self-awareness held by the “stationary” or “core” piece. Once the copy reaches the same level of self-awareness as the core there is simply more of itself or more self-awareness as all of the information is fully integrated. Since there was a tether connecting the two the entire time, all of the information was actually integrating the entire time the copy was on its journey, integrating and adjusting the copy's journey while moving the goal of full self-awareness further away.

To be continued...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What Do I Produce Of Value?

What do I produce of value?
My record of my climb,
my travel, my journey, search, reveal, discovery.
My way to my successful life.
Here are my thoughts, and my ideals.
They may be right, they may be wrong,
both will be useful for you to define YOUR ideals.
What do I produce of value?
A path for you to follow, or avoid,
decided by how YOU feel.

Layering Time

We all have the same amount of time, but what we do with it is different. Imagine layering more and more events into the same time. Imagine a commute that takes an hour's time. Imagine listening to personal development/educational material audio during the commute. The time that has passed is one hour, but two hours' worth of events have been compounded into that one hour. Imagine now that a coworker was being given a ride. These are three events being layering into the same time. Imagine now that at the same time there are investments earning a return. Four distinct events are being layered into the same time. How many more events might we be able to layer together to densely pack time? Perhaps the car has an advertisement on its doors or windows, and for that hour it acts as a mobile billboard; event number five. All of us may have the same twenty four hours, but some of us may have more skill and ability at layering, and organizing events in time. How might we be able to move around the tasks we have to do during the day, or the week, or month, to optimize and free up our time? What could we gain if we intentionally increase the event density for our time?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 5, Part 4


If this is confusing and fluid for the senses we know and are used to, what happens when we become aware of our other senses, whatever they may be? An example of one such physical sense all of us have but do not count, evidenced by “five senses” being the operative term not “six senses”, is the sense of direction. The word sense is even in the description, it’s “sense” not perception, or opinion, or inference of direction, it is the sense of direction. Iron in the blood collects in the nose and sinuses, and the interaction with the magnetic fields of the planet produces an effect akin to a compass, think about the phrase “follow your nose”. Just like any other sense, the sense of direction is more pronounced and sensitive in some people, while others get lost with a GPS. This sense though is no more helpful in finding ourselves, being that it is a guide for us to find our direction, than any of the other senses and it shares the other sense’s opinion bias. We have the opinion of how we are supposed to go and what route we are supposed to take in order to get to our destination. We see the various landmarks, which act as mirrors, and are distorted by time, weather, and lighting, which we use to help guide our way. Finally the “reflections” once again pass through the opinion filter of recognition, and if the distortion is not large enough and the destination was specific enough, we gleefully exclaim “we’re here”. This additional sense helps us discover more of ourselves by allowing us yet another interaction with our environment, which provides more “reflection”, but even this additional sense, which while beneficial and useful in our arsenal, is still no more capable than the other sense of fully perceiving ourselves.

Our senses are unable to perceive ourselves in totality, only portions of ourselves which may change with training and the expansion of our perceptions, but not the whole total. Additionally as we get used to and find balance with our surroundings we become oblivious, or rather we cease to register the sensory input we receive. Sounds, smells, feelings, even objects around us, all blend in or blend out of our awareness, until finally we are left with just our thoughts, in a meditative state. It would seem that the only things that keep our attention are un-preferred stimulants. If we like a sensory input we keep it, grow accustomed to it, find a balance with it, and finally become oblivious to it. We remain in this “habitual” balanced state until another sensory input is perceived and based on its being pleasant or unpleasant we decide to either integrate it or discard it. Perhaps we are unable to perceive ourselves fully because we are not able to step outside of ourselves to observe ourselves. So we are left with piecing together all of the reflected images to achieve a full representation of ourselves. The representation produced by reflecting off of our surroundings is never complete because our surroundings are never static, always providing stimuli to adjust to, and as we adjust we need a reflection to again show us who we have become. The adjustment passes through the opinion layer of the current state, reflects back, passes through the opinion layer again and we again adjust to achieve a balanced state. It is a perpetual cycle of self-exploration as our surroundings adjust and we adjust with them, discovering more of ourselves, creating more reflections, never being able to step outside of ourselves to see ourselves. We are chameleons, always blending in and adjusting to the environment to best maintain the most pleasant of sensory inputs. What dish tastes best?

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 5, Part 3


How much of ourselves can we smell? With enough flexibility we may smell our feet, but otherwise we are limited to a rather small area around our face and the parts of our arms and hands we are able to bring close to our noses. We have the opinion of how we should smell “I showered, I put on deodorant, and I wore clean clothing.” We may use worn clothing, or other people’s reactions, as a “mirror” to reflect our aroma back to ourselves, especially after strenuous activity. The clothing has its own distortions created by the scent of the detergent, cologne, or aromas we may have passed through. The scent we smell then passes through our opinion filter again “that’s nice, when did I pass by a bakery?” This double filter and distortion is again what determines possible actions and decisions “perhaps the socks should not be worn a second time, and my feet need to be washed. When I go out tonight I’m wearing that deodorant again.” Overall though we are never able to sense the total aroma, only to smell fairly small portions of ourselves, although after a long hot day it is most likely a blessing that our feet and noses are so far apart.

Taste is very similar a sense to smell, especially in the way of perceiving and experiencing our own. Whatever area we can smell we can taste. Whatever the method to experience the aroma of another part of ourselves we cannot reach with our noses, that’s the method of experiencing the taste. While we can smell clothing to get an idea of our own scent, I would venture to say that there is no need to taste worn socks though. And as we still can taste only a small portion of ourselves, the opinions and distortions are still present and we are still unable to experience our total taste.

As we use our five senses to sense ourselves and the world around us, we also have our sense of feelings acting as yet another sense to provide us information about ourselves and our surroundings. As a sudden unexpected wave of emotion washes over us, what sensory input caused it, and were we even aware of how we were feeling? What feeling did we project to have the feeling we perceived reflected back to us? The “opinion distorted-reflection opinion” filter remains firmly in place. “If I smile at the receptionist, they will be friendlier with me.” The receptionist may be distorted, or in other words frustrated, by days of not being treated like a human being and the smile produces a stronger reflection “you don’t have an appointment, but I’ll be able to squeeze you in for a five minute meeting.” The reflection then passes through the opinions again “it must be because I am so charming.” The same way we try to project a certain image by choosing the clothes we wear or the mannerism with which we speak, and receive a certain reflection from the people around us. This holds true for the feelings or emotions we project, and have reflected back to us. The pattern seems to repeat for all of our perceptions of ourselves, and the reflections seem to be the only way to really perceive ourselves.

To be continued...

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 5, Part 2


We may use our hands to touch ourselves, but we are unable to touch the totality of ourselves. We are unable to even touch all of ourselves, only a portion of the outside. There are parts we are unable to reach, at least without practice and training. As we train and become more flexible the area we are able to touch increases, but it is still not one hundred percent. Can we touch our internal organs? No. They are a part of us, vital to our existence and survival, but out of reach. So overall we cannot touch ourselves, only a portion of ourselves at a given moment, and never in totality. If I were to touch my hands I would form my opinion of what I am feeling “a little rough, but not too bad”. When another person, such as my wife or son, touches the skin on my hands and comments “your hands are really rough”, this is a “reflection” of the state of the skin, the state of their own skin is the “distortion” of the “mirror”. As I receive this reflection it passes again through my opinions including the opinions about the “mirror” “I'm not sure that my hands are rough, but they don't usually exaggerate so it must be true”, and I decide on a course of action “I should use some moisturizing lotion on my hands”.

When we speak we hear ourselves, but this is not how others hear us. The voice we hear in our ears is modified and adjusted by the anatomy of the skull. We hear ourselves, but only partially, and never totally. The only way we have to hear more of ourselves is to use a “mirror” be it technological or a person, to record ourselves and play the audio back or to ask for a description of how we sound. As we speak and hear ourselves, we form an opinion of how we sound. The recording device and recording technique have their distortions, compounded by the distortions of the playback device. If it is a person we are using to reflect how we sound, then the quality of their hearing adds a distortion, as well as their opinions, and finally how eloquently they can describe how we sound. The resultant sound or description then gets filtered by our opinions again, and we arrive at an idea of how we sound. Do we sound melodious, nasal, high pitched, pleasant or unpleasant, did the other person cringe or smile? This “reflection” is the closest we get to hearing ourselves, and possibly becomes the basis to initiate action such as speaking slower, faster, clearer, with a different tone, louder or softer. As we continue to adjust, or not, how we sound we continue to only hear a portion of ourselves.

To be continued...

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 5, Part 1

We are never able to fully perceive ourselves with our standard five senses. We are never able to see, hear, touch, smell, or taste ourselves. Not fully. We may see, or taste, or smell parts of ourselves, but never everything. Our senses are unable to perceive ourselves, we can use our senses to perceive others, but we are not able to perceive ourselves in totality. With effort and training we see more of ourselves, but even as we see this “more” we don't actually see ourselves, we see a different piece of the whole “us”. We discover what lies beyond a boundary, a boundary crossed with training or aides, and it is more of ourselves. The anatomy and functions may be as different as a knee to an ear, but all of these pieces make up the one “us”, and while we experience the pieces we never experience the whole. Without aides some parts are never seen, such as the face, the closest we come is seeing the sides of the nose and the top of the upper lip. The back of the head is an eternal mystery.

What then do we see by using aides, what is it that we see in the mirror? Isn't the reflection us? I would say that in my opinion it is yet another piece of us. What we see in the mirror is yet another piece of us, and while we focus on this piece of us we cease to see the other pieces of us, and certainly we do not see the whole. The reflection of the face does little to show the back of the head. Not only is the reflection just a piece, but it is a piece for only one of the senses, and what distortion does the mirror add to the “self” we see when looking into it? A mirror certainly helps in discovering more of ourselves, but in some respects it is akin to hearsay, it is what someone else has to say about us. Even when the reflection is accurate and factual, our own opinions still “color” the information. We have our opinions of what we will see in the mirror; how fat or skinny, how long or short the hair is, how neat or disheveled the appearance. We then proceed to look into the mirror, with all its bias and distortion which may be apparent or unperceived by us. If the mirror is slimming or fattening, what is our real physique? How true is the color tint, and how is it affecting the perceived skin tone and the perceived health? This opinionated and distorted reflection then passes through our opinions a second time as we evaluate the image. We choose to believe or disbelieve what we are seeing, we feel whatever we feel, we form or adjust our opinions of what we see, and finally make a decision about what, if any, action to take. This twice-opinionated, distorted reflection of ourselves is what we use as our idea of ourselves, and then base our actions on relative to it. “We're not at our best, so we're probably looking iffy” say our opinions, “you're beautiful” says the mirror, “you're distorted” say our opinions. How many such “conversations” do we have daily with all of our senses? Does the conversation change or stay the same as people around us play the part of the mirror? I would offer that there is no difference with people acting as the mirrors for ourselves, with the same opinion-distortion-opinion filter in place for every sense.

To be continued...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Brian Tracy - The Unbreakable Laws of Self Confidence

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 4, Part 2


People are individuals which are part of a whole. This may be as visible and tangible as a society, but perhaps, and more probably than not, there is an invisible and so far intangible connection joining everyone such as an overall collective consciousness. Whom are the channelers channeling? This would also mean that souls or the consciousness of the individual people are also connected. This leads to a frequent question; since there are now more people on the planet than there used to be, where are all the extra people and souls coming from? I think the answer is the following possibility I would like to offer, people are like the cells of a growing body, there's one body but the cells multiply as necessary for its growth. The souls work in a similar way, there is one soul or consciousness but it subdivides into as many pieces as there are people. As people grow, mutate and adapt, what is the body they are a part of? As a body and mind continue their existence as the individual cells die, so too it then follows that the “body” and “mind” that people are a part of, must continue their existence as people die and are born. What stimuli for mutation is this “humanity body” receiving? What part of the “humanity body” is there to mutate or adapt? In my opinion it is the beliefs and opinions of the human collective itself that are evolving and adapting. While our ego would certainly perk up and say “I'm fairly evolved as is” the reality is that the universe is pretty old, so is the planet, and in the grand scheme of things people have only been around for a few minutes if not seconds. We may have a long way to go, but imagine the possibilities.

This comparison, in my opinion, presents a fractal pattern. Fractal patterns are present all around us, and in simplest terms they are the repetition of an object in a pattern which then forms the same object but on a larger scale and this repeats to infinity. The scale between people and cells is drastically different, but the organization appears to be much the same. Eight identical cubes put together to form a single large cube, then that large cube being put together with another seven cubes to again form a single large cube, is an example of a fractal pattern as all of the initial cubes are identical and keep creating a larger version of themselves. As we consider the similarity of organization between cells and people we can consider that the two are fractals of each other, we can then examine all of the other analogues present, or search for analogues of something present in one and not yet discovered in the other. Once we have cells and people as two points on the fractal pattern scale, we can start extrapolating the pattern further. What do all of the people on the planet represent when put together? Where is the similar planet, with all of its similar people put together, and what is their connection to us? Interestingly enough though, as the scale of the individual, from cell to human, increases the quantity of individuals decreases, trillions of cells in a body but only billions of people on the planet. Perhaps there are only millions of such planets, which result in only hundreds of thousands of planetary collectives. Potentially everything grows in scale and condenses in quantity until there is only one all-encompassing something. Potentially this process is a fractal infinity as more tiny cells are produced then grow then condense into larger collectives, resulting in an ever growing ever condensing ever larger all-encompassing one.

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 4, Part 1

As cells are presented with a challenge or stimulus, they begin a process of mutation or change, which may also be called adaptation. This cellular change takes place on the individual level, until an entire organ has mutated and adapted. The entire body goes through this process until it is better suited to and balanced with the environment. This process repeats as new challenges or stimuli are presented by the environment. This adaptation, in addition to a cell’s daily routine, seems to be the entire “point” of a cell’s existence. Evolution appears to be the cell’s constant cycle of adapting to and finding a balance with its environment, as the environment changes the process repeats.

As people are presented with a challenge or stimulus, they begin a process of mutation or change, which may also be called adaptation. This personal change takes place on the individual level, until an entire group has mutated and adapted. The entire humanity goes through this process until it is better suited to and balanced with the environment. This process repeats as new challenges and stimuli are presented by the environment. This adaptation, in addition to a person’s daily routine, seems to be the entire “point” of a person’s existence. Evolution appears to be a person’s constant cycle of adapting to and finding a balance with their environment, as the environment changes the process repeats.

The cells of the human body are individuals, which are part of a whole. As a cell dies, it is absorbed or expelled. Replacement cells are produced by the body, and the body as a whole continues existing, as does the consciousness, even as the cycle repeats and the cells die, are replaced, multiply, or mutate. As cells mutate and adapt, the overall body adapts to the stimuli it is receiving, which caused the change in the first place. As the individual cells in the body unite, they produce a self-aware entity; a person. Perhaps our consciousness is the collective consciousness of the billions, if not trillions of cells in our bodies. Is a person the result of this cellular unity, or is the body a vessel for an intelligence (soul) inhabiting it? If we look at society, we see a multitude of individual cells, or people, uniting for a common purpose, but each of the cells, or people, is self-aware. If the soul merely inhabits the body, then society would have a separate consciousness inhabiting it, while the self-aware individual people would have no say. Since this is not the case, it follows that society has a societal collective awareness composed of individually functioning self-aware people who have their own opinions and free choice, leading to the conclusion; a person's consciousness is the collective consciousness of the cells in the body. Since cells are collectively conscious, this means that every cell individually is at least aware, if not self-aware. Talking to yourself has just taken on a whole new meaning.

To be continued...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Overlapping Expertise

What can someone teach you, after 20 years in their field of expertise? What can someone else? What is the overlap between two, or more, people with 20 years experience, in the same field of expertise? What is the overlap between ALL the people with 20 years of experience? What is the overlap for those with 30? With 40? With 50? What is the nugget, the lesson, the node, the idea, the key information that ALL of these people learned, discovered, experienced, and taught?

What do ALL, ALLLLLLLLL the "old" people say? What do ALL the "senior" people say? What do ALL the parents say? What do ALL the coaches say? What do ALL the managers say? What do ALL the teachers say? What do ALL the people say? What is the overlap in what ALL people say? For every area of life there are those with more experience, and there is the overlapping [ . . . ], that they ALL say.

Whatever your interest, whatever your situation, you can use movies/books/the internet/other people to find out and learn what ALL those with more experience, and information, say. There are many, sometimes conflicting, opinions and other pieces of data, but on something they agree. In something they overlap, and chances are that what everyone agrees on, is potentially (it's always up to you) the better way. What "everyone agrees on", is what can be learned by you.

Increasing Your Income 1000% Formula

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Monumental Idea

Create an idea you believe worthwhile for all, and follow it. An idea so amazing, and awesome, and easy, and such an improvement for all people/situations/things/experiences/lives, that people will want to follow it. An idea so monumental that it will echo through history.

Create the idea, and keep following it, and share it with others. Share it, and listen to any suggestions to make it better. Keep sharing, and keep doing anything/everything to make it happen. Any action no matter how small, keep doing it.

Create an idea that doesn't require you to change anything in your life, but allows and shows you how to improve everything in your life if you choose to. Once you find it, keep doing no matter how small, keep sharing no matter how big.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 3, Part 2


Hunger is the signal by the body that it requires food. What signal does the soul issue? Is curiosity the hunger of the soul? What do we feed our souls? How much drama, fear, and gossip? Perhaps then, guilt or shame is the feeling of “indigestion” from a soul-food that does not sit well with the personality of the individual? We are what we eat, and what kind of people are we? Do we help? Do we go to war? Do we share, love, listen, have patience? Are we selfish, aggressive, impatient, are we self-centered? Does the feel-good comedy have more appeal than the horror thriller? Do we enjoy a good drama as an occasional treat, as opposed to feeding our misery on it? What soul-food do we consume to drive our hope? Do we watch science fiction and think this will never happen, or that it will not happen in our lives? Do we listen to stories of other’s luck and think that will never happen for us? I would propose that next time our souls get curious; we feed them possibilities of a better life. How does the possibility of world peace make you feel? How does the possibility of medical science being able to cure all diseases feel? Next time let’s look for news of a new discovery that helps people, or maybe just a tidbit of feel-good news of a neighbor helping a neighbor.

Certain foods have extremely long-lasting effects on the body. These effects may be beneficial or detrimental, but the duration will be the same. In addition to information, a parallel may be drawn to our actions, some of which make us happy and feel good, while others bring resentment and sadness. We can eat a cookie to feed our bodies a little bit of joy. What action could we take to feed our souls happiness? How long does it take the body to digest a delicious meal? How long does the effect of helping and changing someone’s life last? How does a walk outside taste? On the negative side, ingesting something poisonous to our bodies is indicated by nausea and causes a reaction to expunge the offending substance. When we are feeling shame and guilt, the effects of our poisonous actions, there must be a mechanism for expunging or digesting through the offending action. What are we afraid of? What beliefs keep us holding onto the poisons, and make us believe that it is better to be feeling the discomfort, be it physical or mental, than the possible alternatives?

To get food we grow it, harvest it, and serve it. With modern agriculture and food production technology, food is brought to a store/central distribution point and people purchase/obtain the food without having to do the work themselves. It is the job of the food producers to manufacture it, while the rest of society performs other necessary functions. In the body there is an energy/food distribution method to provide the cells without their having to do the work necessary to produce the food. If we consider that no cell in a healthy body is left to starve and every cell functions, this is remarkably effective process. Perhaps this is a lesson on how to adjust our society so that it functions more efficiently and no one is left to starve. Coincidentally this may also be a lesson on how to make everyone productive, or we can just imagine everyone being productive.

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 3, Part 1

Food and eating, in my opinion are both representative of a few different concepts. On a higher level they are representative of life as an overall experience, a visit to a restaurant with the menu of experiences, the fellow diners at the other tables, and the smells of other dishes. We look at our menus, and as the waiters bring out other people's dishes, we get a chance to look and decide what looks and smells appetizing. Once we pick something and taste it we may find that we like it and will keep eating it, or that it is not to our taste and send it back. The restaurant choice determines the clientele, as well as the cuisine, so if you went to an Italian restaurant don't be too surprised by the lack of sushi. Though with the universe filling in the past in a seamless manner, it may turn out that you weren't even aware as you walked in, that the restaurant is an Italian-Japanese fusion, and in the corner is a sushi bar you had not noticed. On a lower level I believe the same way the body requires food, and reacts to it, so too does the soul or whatever you'd like to call your consciousness. “You are what you eat” may be an even more profound statement.

When we eat food, we taste the different tastes and decide which ones we like, and which we don't. The next time we eat, we pick the food we enjoyed and avoid the foods that we didn't. Perhaps this may be equated to the various experiences in our lives (attracted by the Law of Attraction), and depending on the “taste” we continue to attract the ones that taste good. Some give us indigestion. Some poison us. Some leave us hungry for more. Taste is a personal preference, but for the sake of this example I'll say that everyone prefers sweets, is tolerant of sour flavors, and dislikes anything extremely spicy. We want the sweet cake, but what if the waiter serves up jalapeño peppers? The slice of lemon isn't so bad compared to a mouth on fire. That cake looks really good, but if we don't know how to ask for it and chances are that we may get the peppers, what do we do? We make a face and keep eating the lemon. We sprinkle a little sugar on it to make it more bearable, maybe even somewhat enjoyable, yet as we think about it we can taste the sourness even now. Now as we remember the feelings of that unstoppable burning, eyes watering, inability to breathe or think until the spicy particles of a pepper are swallowed or washed out of our mouths, the sour lemon is getting sweeter by the second. The cake is forgotten as a myth and an unachievable hope, but not so long ago we were eating it. How many decisions in our lives are based on the same concept of fearing and avoiding a greater displeasure? What would taste a little better than what we are eating right? What do we want? What would make today more pleasant? What can we do to change right now? What would be just a little better than this dry, old, tasteless cracker? Waiter, I would like an orange.

To be continued...

Friday, November 14, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 2, Part 2


Perhaps the reason all of us are so worried and anxious during the ride is because we are so afraid of what we'll find at the destination. Will there be parking? Is it a hotel or a villa, what if it’s a communal dorm? Are we going to the theater or the circus, what if we’ll have to work? Did we pack the right clothes, will there be a mall to go shopping, and what if I get cold or hot? Whom will we meet, will they be fun or boring, what if their religion is the one that was right? The “unknown” is freaking us out, tainting the ride because it's there looming in the distance. We are all familiar with the concept of “fear of the unknown”, and what could be more unknown than death. Death is the unknown that literally takes the life right out of us. We continue preparing for death, which we know nothing about other than what religion, philosophy, and our drunken friends have said. Am I doing enough? Have I done enough? Have I learned enough? Am I spiritual enough? Will I be judged? What will the judgment about my life be? Did I lead a good life? What will my afterlife be like? Will I have a good afterlife? So many questions and concerns about the afterlife, occupying the time in our current life. So many concerns and distractions about later are occupying us now. Instead of looking out of the windows of the car and enjoying the scenery now, we keep worrying about the unknown destination.

Once we are able to relax enough to enjoy the ride and put the horizon, and whatever is looming there, out of our minds we then have to deal with changes to the familiar. We get attached to the passengers sharing the car with us, sharing our food, our drinks, sharing the ride’s experiences, sharing the good and the bad, sharing the laughs. Then the unknown comes knocking and we have to pull over and let our loved ones out. Our family and friends get out of the car, leaving an empty seat that never really loses their shape, and never gets another passenger to sit in it. When loved ones pass away we feel sorrow, for some this is devastation and a complete collapse. Death is mostly, and for most, a sad event. On the other hand imagine a large family is going on vacation together. Because of work, parties to attend, ticket cost, other commitments, some are leaving a few days earlier and others are following a few days later. Do the ones leaving later feel sorrow once part of their family has left for their vacation destination? They may miss each other, but overall the feeling is one of excitement and expectation. Soon they will all be on vacation together, having fun, children with parents and grandparents playing with their grandkids. Everyone knows what’s waiting for them on vacation; a beautiful beach, warm water, fruity drinks, and an all-inclusive buffet. When family members miss each other, all they have to do is pick up the phone. The entire family is going to the same place, and some get there first and start having fun. When the others catch up there’s the excitement of sharing what happened during the absence. What makes death so different? We’re all going to the same place, and some get there first. What makes the destinations so different? In my opinion fear of the unknown is the only real difference. Fear of the unknown, and the inability to pick up the phone and call the people we miss and ask them if they need us to bring more sunblock.

To add a different perspective, of the subject, I pose this question; are we afraid of going to sleep for the night? Life and death certainly seem to have a similar cycle to sleeping and wakefulness. After a day full of experiences we fall asleep in the evening, tired and cranky, our consciousness leaving and going somewhere we have never been. In the morning our consciousness returns, we awaken refreshed and boisterous, having no idea where our consciousness spent the night. Life itself follows the same pattern. At the end of our lives full of experiences, we are old and cranky, we die and our soul leaves and goes somewhere we have never been. At birth the soul returns refreshed and boisterous, and we have no idea where it came from. Of course the main difference between sleeping and dying is the memories of the previous days we retain as we sleep and awaken, but that may be the next step of evolution for us; remembering our past lives. Perhaps we should celebrate death as the upcoming refreshment of the soul it appears to be a parallel to. Celebrate may be too strong a word but perhaps the focus should not be on the loss but more on the upcoming rebirth, regardless of where the soul spent the night.

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your choice) - Chapter 2, Part 1

Life could be viewed as a car ride to an unknown destination. Rather the destination is known, it’s death, but no one knows “what” is there waiting for us, or where “there” is. We don’t even know “when” we’ll get there, “how” we will arrive, or “why” we were going there in the first place. Life is a car ride to death, but all we know, and are aware of, and experience is the car ride. We may change the model, or the options of the car. There’s the music on the radio, the temperature of the climate control, the passengers in the car. There are the snacks available, the view out of the windows. There are other drivers sharing the road with us, or changing their routes and never being seen by us again. There are other drivers driving their cars with their own car options, also heading for the same destination but choosing their own options for the road. None of us know what’s at death, or after it. None of us know what the afterlife is. All we know is that we are all heading there. No one seems to look at death as, someone else, getting to the destination first. No one considers death as the fastest driver winning the race, or the smartest driver taking the fastest route, or the easiest.

During the ride we have options. We can get impatient, “why aren't we there yet?” Or we can enjoy the ride for all it's worth “we'll get there when we get there.” The driver in front of us is driving slowly and holding everything up, “come on we're in a rush here, we have things to do!” Or the driver in front is slowing us down and giving us a chance to enjoy the trip a little longer, “pass me the chips and turn up the music please.” The destination's the same and all of us will end up there sooner or later, but the ride can be very different. We can even ignore the ride and not pay attention to it at all; focusing instead on the fun we are having until suddenly we’re there. You may say “the car is driving through a dull industrial neighborhood and there's nothing for us to look at.” We can look at the map and change the route if we don't enjoy the “dull” neighborhood. The only reason we keep driving through the “dull” neighborhood is because of the fear that changing the route might bring us to a “bad” neighborhood. The fear of the “bad” neighborhood is preventing us from changing to a highway through a beautiful fall forest. We keep driving on a road we never really enjoyed, and certainly don't enjoy now, but it's familiar. We've settled for the familiar, it's safer than the possibly horrible unknown. For the sake of this safer joyless familiarity we're willing to give up the possibility of an exciting, awesome, epic unknown. Not to worry, either way the car is still getting to the destination. The end is the same, but what kind of ride did we have?

To be continued...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Leverage In A Name?

Is there leverage in a last name? Is there a benefit to me with my last name? Do doors open, or close when someone hears it? Does the existence of Roma n Abramovich help, or hinder me? Does it even make a difference? Is there a leverage to sharing a last name with someone famous? With someone in the public's eye? Is there a power in a generic Mr. Smith?

When meeting others with the same last name, I know that there is a kind of elation, a feeling of almost "meeting family". Does this extend to people with other last names? Do people with other last names feel the same way when they meet someone with the same last name? What is the feeling if not "family"? Is it pride? Comfort? Nothing? Do others even care?

there is something to meeting someone with the same first name, and to meeting someone with the same last (at least to me). Some kind of effect. Perhaps a kind of resonance. Is there a leverage, a predisposition, a "weight" to, and towards, a name? Are we benefiting from, and do we have a duty to, our last names? Our surnames? What do others think and feel when they hear them? What do we think, and feel, when we hear others' last names?

My Ideas, Notebook 8

The journal I keep as my lifetime unfolds.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 1, Part 3


At its most basic, there is only the now. To create this now, the mind creates the physical world around us, and backfills the past in a way that meshes with all of our ideas, beliefs, thoughts, desires, and whatever else there is our current “I” consists of. In other words it fills the world according to our opinions, including the opinion of the previous moment. As we pay attention, according to our opinions, to the various stimuli we create in our everyday experience this adjusts for the conscious and subconscious minds what we are drawn to (even if this is something we do not like) and they manifest more of it. As we become aware of new possibilities this expands our potentials to modify our opinions, especially if these are ideas we don’t have strong feelings and opinions about. As our mind expands to accept new possibilities and new potentials, our beliefs and opinions adjust and we gain new understanding and abilities to change our reality. This leads to a further expansion, the beliefs adjust again, and the cycle continues. What about old age and death you may ask. What about them? What do you think, rather what is your opinion, death is? What opinions make you think being mortal is better than being immortal? What opinion makes you think you can't be immortal? How would you disprove your immortality so long as you’re alive?

As your opinions form your reality, you may notice the patterns of you opinions being represented. Society is a representation of you as an individual. The government is your mind, a collection of laws/opinions as free or as stifling as you allow yourself to be. It continuously creates and adjusts laws/opinions, ranging in severity from felonies to misdemeanors. Some of these laws you ignore with impunity, while others carry stiff penalties and punishment. When you do something shameful which is your breaking your own laws, the punishment is your own guilt, and you continue feeling it until you decide that you’ve had enough. This may be a mere pang of guilt you may not even notice, or it may be years of self-castigation. As you adjust your opinions and beliefs, laws adjust to match your preference for the state of the collective, be it society or your persona.

The governmental structure is the relationship you have with your higher mind and the ego. Is the ruler a democratically elected president, or a dictator? Do you trust the collective guidance of your opinions and that they have your best interests at heart represented as a senate or parliament with a president. Or does your ego act as a dictator and decide what you want when you want it while ignoring all objections by the opinions? Your opinions will determine what choices you believe the ruler is making, do you trust them wholeheartedly or do you second-guess and mistrust them while doing whatever you want. Maybe the ruler is a fool but at least an elected fool, he could be a horrible tyrant, then again he could be the best leader history has ever seen.
The country you live in represents the balanced system of beliefs you have established for yourself. It is the collection of laws which you have determined work for you, some good some bad but it’s home. The other countries are representations of what is possible according to your mind. Some are chaos and lawless disorder, and every moment of every day you are thankful for not living in that hell and see the contrast of why your country is so much better. Other countries you see as paradise calling to you while showing you everything that is wrong and miserable with where you live. Your fear of the unknown keeps you from moving to the paradise, at the same time showing you hell and saying “at least it’s not as bad as this.”

Your job represents what you believe you need to do to survive. The more you believe that your hobby or pleasure can provide for your survival, the more aligned and fun your job will be. The more of a disconnect is present between the fun pleasure and the job, the more displeasure the job will bring. The idea “work is fun and I can’t wait to go so that I can start having fun”, is a stark contrast to “I have to go to work and I can’t wait for it to be over”. Careers are our choices or in other words opinions of what we would like to do or feel that we had to do, but we are not locked into them. It is always possible to switch careers and do something that we believe would be more fun. Just like with countries, there’s the job you do, the horrible job you could have been doing, and the job you wish you could have been doing but fear of the unknown keeps you from trying to get it.

Consider the possibility that your manager at work is a representation of the higher self, similar to the idea of the ruler of a country. Do you trust your manager to make good decisions from their vantage point, or do you second-guess them? Are you friends with your manager, or do you dislike them? Do you work together to grow and advance, or is the relationship more one-sided? The job is great, but if only you could get rid of the manager. Perhaps it is the other way around, the job is atrocious but the manager makes it all worthwhile. The boss is the boss, they could reward more for the work being done, or they could nitpick at every mistake. Maybe they’re not so bad, it could be better, but it could be worse.

The pattern of the reality surrounding us begins to emerge. Our opinions have resulted in what we individually experience. A guide is there trying to show us the path to better, while we listen to or ignore them. Whatever the experience is, it can always be worse and it can always be better. Fear keeps us from trying to get to the better while we take comfort in knowing that there is a possible worse.

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 1, Part 2


How can reality adjust in a way that would be seamless you may ask? Do you want to be rich, but don’t want to work? Fine, you win the lottery. Chances of winning astronomical, nearly impossible, totally unbelievable? Maybe, but it’s possible. What about doing nothing at all except thinking about it? Alright, a sweepstakes you weren’t aware of that you were automatically entered into by your utility company? A class action lawsuit against a company with a monetary payout that you did not know about? How would you prove that the past adjusted? Does it even matter? Let the universe do its job, it can be a lot more creative than the limited examples I’m coming up with from my limited imagination. Government not doing its job to your satisfaction? Fine, almost magically a peaceful protest by the masses converging on the capitol starts a peaceful coup that creates a happy country, and then almost magically peace on Earth. Too utopian? So what? It’s a long shot but it’s possible, and that’s what’s important to understand. We don’t have to understand the how, but our opinions need to at least allow the possibility. Evil aliens, good aliens, no aliens at all, all of these realities are possible and each would make complete sense to you. Actually they would make sense to everyone around you too, but only you would know what exactly it was that you wanted. Which would you prefer? After you just thought of what you prefer, a thought probably popped in that started with “but that’s not going to happen because…” and some opinion followed. Look at this thought, examine the opinion you attached to it. What opinion stops you from even hoping for what you really want to happen, and do you really agree with that opinion?

Any and all possibilities are available to you, as long as you can imagine them and then accept the possibility. Your mind (conscious and subconscious) will start filling in the chain of events as well as generating events and all of reality around you to produce what you want and believe is possible. These events cannot violate your personal beliefs. Let me repeat that, these events CAN NOT VIOLATE YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS (opinions). As long as the belief in the density of your body and gravity is present in your mind, flight without mechanical assistance is pretty much impossible. On the other hand if you can adjust your beliefs, then a chain of events will appear to make flight possible. This may be anything, a new gene, harmonic bombardment and modification of the body, an evolutionary step, just because, whatever events that will make sense to you. The how is irrelevant, or rather it is the purview of what I personally call the “universe” and the universe is certainly more capable and creative than I am. Other names used are God, void, all-there-is, the creator, existence. The name is irrelevant; the idea is that it is the sum total of existence adjusting itself to your wishes. Be considerate of what you wish for, don’t be afraid of it, treat “negative” events as a demonstration of what you may want to reject as options from your reality, but if you carefully consider your wishes, then reality becomes a series of pleasant “positive” events.

Whatever wants you can come up with the universe grants, all the while adjusting it to your opinions, reality, and realm of possibility. Those that are afraid will have just that, something fearful coming to get them. Optimists will have good luck and good things happening all the time. Speaking of time, time is what we perceive while our beliefs are adjusting to new concepts and ideas. To believe in unassisted flight you have to adjust what you believe in, a chain of events appears until one day flight is possible. The adjustment period, in my opinion, is what we perceive as time. Some things take no time at all, while other things may take years or even a lifetime, in the end run it’s just a mental adjustment necessary to believe. The more shocking the idea, the more “time” we may need to adjust to it. What kind of chain of events is necessary in your mind for people to go to the planets of this solar system in your lifetime? What about to other solar systems? Does it really have to take so long? This is the core of the idea, what you think needs to happen to make something a reality will keep happening that way until you decide to “not care how” and just focus on the idea and accept that in general this idea is possible. Forget the “how”, that’s the universe’s job. Figuring out the “what” that you want is your job. Make sure that you want with a positive outlook. You will get what you want when you think about space travel but there are pleasant and unpleasant (for you) potentials. People will go to other planets because they want to, or because the planet is dying. People will meet pleasant helpful beings, or monsters. When you are thinking about the “what it is that you want”, your “why this can’t happen” opinion will pop up, your opinion of “reality”, and why the more pleasant, whatever you want, will not be possible. Consider this idea, does it really matter to you if the “why this can’t happen” opinion is invalidated or destroyed? Which possibility makes you happier? Is it really more pleasant to think of a polluted dead Earth, as opposed to a “miraculous” way everything will fix itself? This is also what’s affecting the reality you are in and creating right now and experiencing. Whatever difficulties you have about imagining a hypothetical future, now consider how difficult it is to think about and change the now that’s already not necessarily as nice as you may want.

Imagine a large, heavy, round boulder slowly rolling along. Behind it there is a clear track showing the direction it has rolled from. If you imagine a continuation of that track in front of the boulder, you will have a projected path the boulder will follow and in some distance a target it will hit. Now imagine that you are walking next to the boulder attached to it by a chain, and start pushing on its side. How far will you move the boulder sideways after it has rolled one foot? Will the difference in the boulder’s path, caused by your pushing, even be noticeable? Now imagine the difference after it has rolled one thousand feet. How displaced from the original path, and the original target will the boulder be? What about after ten thousand feet? How strong do you imagine yourself becoming, as you keep exercising your muscles by pushing against, or on this heavy boulder? The farther away or more long-term the target, the more you are able to correct the path of the boulder and the easier it becomes along the way. The more drastic the change to the trajectory you desire, the more effort it requires on your part. Now imagine that the boulder is all of your opinions. What you think about this, and what you think about that, is affecting every situation you find yourself in. Changing your path is fairly difficult, seemingly impossible, when the boulder of opinions keeps rolling along on its own path dragging you along with it. The further the target, the more time to push the boulder, or you could start chipping away at the boulder to make it smaller, lighter, and easier to move.

To be continued...

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Chapter 1, Part 1

We create the entire reality around us. This claim has been made by a lot of people, in different ways, at different times, and in very different circumstances. But. Very little seems to have been explained about the actual connection between what our “personal reality” means, or rather the world as we see it, and how exactly it is that it ties to our creating everything. The creation process or rather manifestation, also known as the law of attraction, has been explained. Think what you want, feel good about it to attract it, make sure you’re not thinking anything contradictory to repel it and it comes your way. Great! I won the lottery, the girl I wanted to date said yes, and I got promoted. This takes care of my immediate surroundings, but what about the news? What about the world at large? What about the very existence around us? How does my manifestation of a new car relate to the government, or space exploration? I will attempt to answer this very question, but in one word? Filler. In a few more words, a movie backdrop. The world at large is the automatically generating background in a computer game. What we need to see, hear, feel, smell and experience for all of our thoughts to make sense when put together, in a believable story. What we think the world should be is what it takes form to present, but most of the time we focus on our immediate needs and wants such as family, work, a place to live, food to eat. The world at large is “out there”, and we don’t necessarily give it the same attention as our lives. Try ignoring the news for a few weeks while thinking happy thoughts about the world and how you would like it to improve, then see how the world appears.

We want and thus attract pleasure, fun, joy, happiness and anything else you can think of that feels good for you. Conversely we dislike and thus repel pain, unpleasantness, and anything else that you personally may dislike. Remember that your likes and dislikes are personal. They are your opinions of these ideas. The only way to “circumvent” this process is to believe that the unpleasantness we are experiencing is more pleasant than the potential alternative experience. Fear of the unknown rears its ugly head. Since we began with the premise that we create our entire reality, then think just how powerful that means our minds/imaginations are when let loose to create the unknown potential terrors. Just how scary of a reality can we create? Suddenly the “kind of crappy” now isn’t so bad, taxes could be higher, pollution could be worse, and government might be a tyranny. In fact now that I think about it, it could be a whole lot worse, or it can also be so much better than I can even imagine. I would offer my opinion that fear, and more precisely fear of the unknown, is the only real barrier in our lives. As you decide on what you want which is what would make you happy, consider what it is that you are afraid of happening which prevents you from doing what makes you happy.

What does this have to do with reality? Our minds have two parts, the conscious and subconscious. Together they produce 100% of the signal being broadcast to create the reality around us, but the split isn’t even. How uneven? Less than 10% is conscious. Less than 10% of your consciousness manifested the new car, the big house, the convenient parking spot. What is the other 90% you are thinking about? What thoughts is your, and my, subconscious pumping out? The overall tone and overarching desire certainly play into this. As does everything you’ve ever been taught, and have decided for yourself. Even more importantly, what “truths” have you accepted and cemented into your view of the world, science, spirituality and overall possibilities? Does your reality even have the possibility of talking dogs? If the possibility of talking dogs is too odd, let’s fall back to the standard talking points: God, aliens, evil government, elves, world-peace, and anything else that defies explanation such as ghosts. Do you allow even the slightest possibility of any of these?

Consider now the possibility that your mind not only creates your reality now, but that it also back-fills everything necessary to make your reality “work”. God created the world? Fine, then religion will hold all of the answers. There will be a text, a book, an answer somewhere in the religious materials of your reality. Evolution? No problem, scientists will dig up a fossil any time you want. Aliens? The link will still be missing and videos on the internet will abound, as will abduction stories. Not sure which way you want to go? No problem, no definitive answers in any possible creation story, all will be sort-of-possible, and none will be the-story. Reality will shift and mold to any of your desires, and no one will even be aware. Not you or I for that matter, no one. But there is something that we will be aware of once we understand how it works. The chain of events intertwining with reality that leads to the outcome we desire. The events might not be new, it might be your new way of looking at old events, or it will be events you did not notice and so they will be new to you, but the past will adjust and back-fill to suit your now. It won’t necessarily be what you expected, but it will be a perfectly logical, realistic, probable, believable, amazingly lucky (or unlucky) chain of events.

To be continued...

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your Choice) - Introduction

I had no intention of writing a book. In fact, I had no intention of writing anything at all. Initially, I simply lacked understanding and couldn’t make sense of the world around me. I had a family, friends, a job, a decent life, but the world at large made no sense at all. Politics, civilization, religion, science, medicine, death, none of this was satisfactory, it didn’t mesh together and in fact at first felt stagnant and then increasingly negative. I also felt as though I was sinking into a pit of negativity on a personal level. This was disguised as friends telling each other the truth about the reality of the situation, but really it was just a whole lot of raining on each other's parades. Looking back on my teenage years, and my early twenties, I could distinctly remember the optimism, and radiant buoyancy of my personality. I used to be cheery and the world had been sunny, but somewhere along the way, I had met “reality” and was no longer interested in the sugar-coated world. Reality was serious, and mean, and I had to keep my guard up because if I was having fun, then something bad was waiting around the corner to ruin my fun. I had managed to find a balance of nothing good happens without bad, but hopefully not too bad, and that was my life.

It was then that I got a nudge in understanding by being introduced to some novel concepts. These concepts were new and exciting, and they explained things to a greater degree, but there was a very negative reality attached to them. In this new reality there was a lot more to existence, plenty to do, and plenty of potential growth, but the “dark side” was winning, and overall things looked dim. This did not sit well with me at all, but it got me to expand my thinking. I started reading things I had never considered reading, the internet was suddenly full of information showing me possibilities, and a new way to grow was being offered. New “laws” and new ways of looking at things were available, and everything was based on love and freeing myself from fear, and all I had to do was ask. The entire message was “what do you have to lose by feeling love, and asking yourself for whatever it is that you want?” Driving in my car on the highway one day, as I listened to a recording of this idea, I thought it was laughable, but I also thought “what does it hurt, and what do I have to lose?” So I thought about what I wanted, and then I said “I want to understand the world around me”. And nothing happened. I know, I was disappointed at that moment as well. The first realization didn't come for a week, but when it did it stunned me. I was listening to something and suddenly I “understood”, I understood the information underneath the words. It was a stunning moment, but that was it, a moment. Then another moment came a week later. Again I was not looking for it, but suddenly I had a deep understanding of what I was thinking about. Now I have these amazing feelings of realization and awareness on a daily basis, the feeling of “I get it”.

Looking back I can only describe the experience as going from zero to sixty in a few seconds. When I stumbled onto my genie’s lamp, unrealized by me, I asked for more wishes. Specifically I asked for the knowledge to understand, a friend of mine was the one who laughed and called it “wishing for more wishes”. Unlike the books and stories I had grown up with, in my reality this was a completely valid wish. What followed was an eye-opening experience of my opinions adjusting, and realizations coming to me that I felt I needed to share. Needing to share is exactly what I felt, a strong need and imperative that this may be helpful to someone else, as well as a feeling of excitement and joy at the idea of sharing my opinions. Please remember that what you are reading is my realizations and my opinion on how things work. It is just that, MY OPINION. In fact, this is exactly what I believe the world around us is; a collection of opinions all meshing together to create a single experience and world that fits in with our established beliefs. Whatever you just thought when you read the preceding sentence, that thought, was your opinion formed by everything you know coming to the foreground to influence what you think about what you’re reading. What I would like to share is my opinion on the importance of “is my current opinion better than the possibility being offered?”

The world around us, as I see it, is a collection of proof for what we choose to believe and accept as possible. If we choose to believe in flying cars, then the proof will appear to support our opinion. It will take whatever form necessary to be acceptable by us, be it scientific articles on new propulsion, lighter materials, laws on private flying licenses. It will be seamless and possible, describable as “of course” and “naturally”. Time is the adjustment necessary for you to believe or accept the new adjusted reality. The more receptive we are to reality-defying possibilities the more “unbelievable” and faster appearing the proof will be, but always within the realm of possibility, no matter how remote, for US. Yes, us. What I believe we experience is our own personal realities (opinions creating experiences) being influenced and thereby adjusted by everyone else’s personal realities (opinions creating experiences), creating a larger reality which combines everything and all opinions into a working mechanism of events and their interpretations. Everyone has opinions, some keep them to themselves, some share them and some force them onto others. These opinions create ideas and possibilities, be they pleasant or unpleasant, they are still possibilities, giving you a choice to accept or reject the new ideas based on whether they would be more or less pleasant relative to your current reality.

I would like to share my opinion on the possibility of what reality is, as I see it. If this works for you, accept it, if not then reject it. It is my opinion and your choice. I will offer no sources for anything I propose. Not because they don’t exist, but because they exist as proof only for me, you may not believe them. Whatever you decide to believe and accept as your opinion after reading mine, you will be able to find proof and support of for yourself. This is all my opinion on how the world works, and the repetition of a pattern on different levels. I offer this opinion in the hopes of offering a better way to see the world around us. Enjoy, and hopefully find useful, my opinion on what reality is. There is no time, but if you would like to save some of it, skip to the last chapter for the meaning of life.

Thank you,

Monday, November 10, 2014


Does anyone really grasp the magnitude of how many parts move when we move? Just how tiny the particles are, and how many of them there are? The smallest, slightest flutter of our eyelashes, the twitch of a finger, a single step. Billions and billions of cells, composed of billions of atoms, composed of billions of subatomic particles. All of the parts, pieces, components, come into motion at the slightest whim. Instantly, with no delay, we think and our bodies obey, trillions and trillions of parts moving in sync. Receiving signal, and providing feedback, as they all shift, and move, and adjust to accommodate our needs and demands.

All of these parts moving from the inside out, from the smallest to the largest. Some tiny particle being induced into motion, compressing against an other, and an other, and an other, until finally a limb moves, then an other, and an other, and an other, until the entire body is in motion, accelerating faster, and faster, and faster, and faster, until it is finally at full speed sprint. The entire process taking seconds, all of the pieces working as necessary, shifting, and alternating, to perform the function known as "run". What exactly pushes the first component in this long chain called "run"?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Super Fast Nth Degree

Speed something up to the super Nth degree, and you'll see some interesting things happening.

Super Slow Nth Degree

Slow something down to the super Nth degree, and you'll see some interesting things happening.

My Ideas, Notebook 7

The journal I keep as my lifetime unfolds.

Why Do Books Have Chapters?

My son posed a wonderful question to me as I was reading him his bedtime story, "why do books have chapters"? I told him that I didn't know. Perhaps it is to break up the story, and make it easier to read. Perhaps it is to separate the subjects, parts, scenes, being written about.

I searched on Google, and found that originally writing was done on scrolls, and when the scrolls were transformed into books, the individual scrolls became individual chapters in the books.

Perhaps now it is a way to indicate the pieces that go together to form a whole and complete idea; each chapter being an individual piece of Lego, assembled in a specific order by the author, to form a specific work. The same book, with the same chapters, assembled in a different order, would form a completely different work. Perhaps the chapters, like scenes in a movie or a play, are whole ideas, and the book is the collected ideas' interplay.

Why do books have chapters? Old habit...still useful today.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Vision Zero

It takes all kinds of people, playing their games, to form what we call life. Reality, nature, existence, "whatever", has a place for everyone. It has a place for those whose game it was to push for the "Vision Zero" law. It has a place for those who's game was to push against, and now to try to repeal, the "Zero Vision" law. There are those who's game will be to leave New York City, and not participate at all in this, or any other, New York City game. All are needed; those who have been "brought" to this point and will continue on as "social reformers", and those who have been "brought" to this point to "abandon the city".

It is a personal choice which of these, or any other, we want to be, and how we want to play the game. "Vision Zero", "Zero Vision", "No Vision", "Great Vision", it's all the same, all choices for our vision of the game. We pick our roles, and we play the games, and together we call it life. To some it won't even register. In their life of going with the flow, New York is just an other city, and twenty-five is just an other speed limit sign they pass during their day. Just an adjustment to their GPS's E.T.A..

Zero Ones

I divided by zero. I divided, a number by zero. Or I, divided by zero. In the case of the number the answer is traditionally zero. But if I am divided by zero, I remain. I'm still here and I'm still there, I do not go away just because I am divided by nothing. In fact it is precisely because I have not been divided, that I remain.

Something divided by two, is split into two equal halves. Divided by four, into quarters. Divided by ten, into tenths. Divided by nothing, the answer has to be the number itself. It has not been divided. The number remains whole, because it has been divided by no quantity. It is whole after being divide by zero object of any kind. Divided by zero of anything. 

Multiplied by zero, the number must remain the same. An existing number, multiplied by zero, remains the same because no change has been introduced. Zero multiplied by a number equals that number, because if nothing else, at least that number exists. A number multiplied by a number of "anything" means that if nothing else, at least that number exists, if nothing has been defined about the "anything".  A number, whatever it may be, multiplied by something like three hundred forty seven, means that if nothing else was defined about the number then at least the three hundred forty seven exists, since it was multiplied by in the first place.

Zero may be the whole of everything. Not the empty end-ness of existence, but the whole containment of all that there is. It is a wholeness, and any number multiplied by zero, would in fact be multiplying "wholeness", thereby the answer being that number of wholenesses. Otherwise it would be the number multiplied by wholeness, and it would be a whole "that number". Divided by zero, the number is being divided by wholeness, by no divisor, or it is equally being split up by all there is that makes up the "whole", which leaves the number of whatever pieces that the "whole" is made up of. If the "whole" is unknown, then at least there's the number that was divided by it, which can serve as the answer until the "whole" is defined.

A number multiplied by zero, equals the number. A number divided by zero, equals the number. A "nothing" change has been done to the number, either it is the same number that it was with no change, or it is a number, modified by whatever we want to substitute zero with. Multiplied by one, the answer is actually, whatever it is being multiplied is doubled. There is now the original and the one multiple of it. Divided by one, the answer is whatever the number is, because until it is defined what the one "something" is, there has been no division.

The system seems to be skewed that way, that zero is actually one of everything, and one is an equal component in the multitude of whatever equal ones that make up the zero, least of which is two, meaning that zero is one of everything but all of the everythings are equal ones. We can define one as anything, but zero is all of those ones put together and all of the ones are the same. To multiply by one means that there are two, but to divide by one, the original one remains since without any other definition it is the only one known. Either I am the wholeness of all there is, or I am an equal component making up whatever that there is. Either I am the wholeness of all there is, or I am one of the seven billion people. If nothing else, at least we are all equally people, and I am a person.

If I am divided by nothing, I am one clear want, one clear need, one clear passion. If I am divided by nothing, I am one clear choice. I am one whole thought, and word, and deed. If I am all there is, then others are pieces of me. If I am an equal part, then others are pieces equal to me. Either way I would not want anything to happen to them that I would not want to happen to me. Do I want to be offered a helping hand? Then I need to be an equal one, and offer it when I see that someone needs it. I am one who wants the best for one and all.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Master Level

Mastery is a state, a level to cross into. Once attained it is available for transfer/translation/copy/application/use in all situations, events, encounters, manifestations. Mastery is a level of skill, a sufficient level of acquired experience and expertise, applicable to other endeavors, pursuits, and actions. Mastery is a level of experience and awareness and understanding, that is available in any and all subjects, to any and all people (beings?). A master martial artist, and a master fine artist, are both masters, both with a master's understanding to be applied to the world. Mastery is a state of mind, to be reached, and honed, and applied to all as appropriate. Mastery is a skill level, regardless of occupation, to be applied as appropriate, to all.


History is written by the victor. His story is written by the one who writes it. He who chooses to write the story is the one who can write as the victor, as the loser, or if he so chooses as god. His story is written by any one.

Does every victor write history intentionally, or does it get written automatically by virtue of no one else being left to write it? Is every writer the victor since he is writing? Who's story does the writer write, the winner's, the loser's, his own, anyone's, or all?

If the victor is writing his story, what path to victory is he describing? If the story is being written by the loser, does he remain a loser, or change the story to become a winner?  How does a loser change defeat into victory? What lesson make the loss a win?

Which story is better? Which story offers the most, be it pleasure, lessons, or anything else desired by the reader? Which story attracts the most readers, and other writers? Which story is the best?

History is written by the victor. What if the conflict is how to make things better, and everyone writes his story of how to make everything better for one and all? What if every one wrote his story of what they did for all to be the victors?

Jim Rohn - Learn This Skill or Live a Mediocre Life

My Ideas, Notebook 6

The journal I keep as my lifetime unfolds.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Point Of View

We each have a point of view. Each point of view is equal, and equally valid. Each point of view has to be equal and valid, otherwise who decides if my point of view is valid? Who decides if your point of view is valid? Each point of view is valid, but the question is "do we like the view?" This is the basic question, and if the answer is "no", then the next question is "how do we change it to make it better?" If the answer is "yes", then the next question is "how do we change it to make it better?" We each have a point of view, and regardless of whether we like it or not, the question that follows is "how do we make it better?" How do we make things better, regardless of our point of view?

The answer to "how do we make changes for the better?" is completely individual. In fact, all of the answers are as individual as the points of view. Looking at others' points of view, we get an idea of which way we would like to move. We get an idea of might be better for us individually, and for us collectively. What changes we would like to make, be they to our point of view, or to the view itself. If we want to make changes that involve others, then their points of view need to be taken into consideration.

The easiest way to get assistance in our endeavors of making our point of view better, is to make such changes that make things better for all. Our choices need to make things better for all, or at least require no actions from others while not making their view any worse.​ Finding the choice, idea, action that benefits all, will produce a result that is better individually while having the highest potential to attract assistance from others to make things better overall. Doing what's best for one and all, is better for one, and has the best chance of being repeated by all.

All Shamans

Could life be a story, with shamans as the storytellers? Could it be that all of us are shamans, and some of us get together to tell a bigger story? Could it be that the more shamans, the more stories in a large common one? One life, made out of multiple lives lived together? We live our own lives, and we are parts of a larger life such as "America", or the "Space Race", or a "World War". Many shamans coming together, to create the story of the creation of utopia, on the planet, all together, right now. "How would we do it?" "What ideas do you have?"

Could it be that we have collectively said enough, and are now telling the story of "where I was when the world changed"? Could it be that living according to an idea and telling stories about it, is exactly what brings it in to be? Could some be the shamans who tell the bigger story? In a company it is the managers, in countries it is the government, on a planet it is the shamans. Could some be the shamans telling the "world story"? If we don't know who the "some" are, then we have to resort to the "everyone" are ​position. That would mean that we are all shamans, jointly telling the story. We are all shamans, jointly telling the story, which means; anything goes.

The more unpleasant a story, the fewer will come together to tell it, and the fewer will follow it. The overall tone is set, regardless of the actions of the unpreferred fringes, whatever that they are.​ Overall it is more pleasant to have hope in the story. It is better to come together to tell the story of how everyone was special, and everyone was treasured. As opposed to the story of despair, and the never ending darkness. Everyone is a shaman, so it is everyone's individual lives that set the tone, collectively, for the planet. What each of us says and does, matters. Regardless of whether it is "good", or "bad", it matters. It matters if there is hope, and a brighter future, and a better world, in the story. It is good for what you want, to be in the story.

That there is a continuity to shamans, and to those shamans that are consciously aware of telling the story, indicates some kind of system. The presence of a system, indicates order. The presence of order, indicates rules. The presence of rules, shows that someone established them. If we don't know who, then we have to resort to the"us" position. ​Isn't it better to think that we are the ones establishing the rules? To use that idea to establish a utopia for all, and THEN go back to fighting, and to worrying, and to arguing about who made us? How to worship them? What food to eat in their honor, and what clothing to wear, and whom to be friends with, and with whom to go to war with?

Can we first use the power we have to set an ideal to be used as a benchmark, before continuing to slaughter each other, and cheat, and lie, and do, all under the guise of "I have to, because of something, or someone, else"​? Isn't it better to act as being the ones with the power, and to use that power for the betterment of all? Isn't it better to act as being the ones with power, and consider the conditions as they are and how we would change them? Isn't it better to believe we have the power, and to act accordingly, because that's the way most of us want to behave anyway? Isn't it better to believe that all of us are shamans, telling the story together?

We are all telling the story together and anything goes, but the only rule is that anything you ask for, gets asked of you. The more you ask of life, the more is asked of you. The more you ask life to show you of life, the more of that you have to show to life. What story do you tell about your life? Are you improving? So's the world. Are you improving the world? The world is improving you. Are you actively participating in government? Then that is how much your voice is heard. Are you doing your best at work? Then that is how you are treated, how your company performs, and the skills you acquire. When meeting someone rude, or obnoxious, or mean, do you tell the story of "meeting the unpleasant person, who didn't know that, WE HAD STOPPED DOING THAT!"?

Are you telling the story of everything getting better for one and all? Is figuring out "who's at fault?" more important than "everything turned out great for ALL of us!"?​ Maybe if enough of us tell a good enough story, where everyone's a hero, at every level of life, be it family, work, country, and world, then we'll actually know what it's like to experience it? Is the idea of "why someone else can't get what they want" more important than "going after what I want, without doing what I wouldn't want done to me"? Is it more important to decide "why someone else can't have the heaven I create", than "I created heaven for myself, and if someone else is using it too, that's ok with me"?

What if every idea, every story, every belief, needs to be always weighed against "like it" and "don't like it", so that we can at least be happy with our choices? "I'm not going to do anything, with the repercussions of which I would not want to live with." "How do I live my life?" may be the best part of the story. "How do I live my life, relative to yesterday? What can I do today, so that tomorrow is better than today? What improvements from yesterday am I enjoying today?" The best story, individually and collectively, may be how the world became perfect, how this made my life perfect, and  what I did to help.
Join me all shamans, all storytellers, all people, all who are a part of the story, in telling the story of how through the idea of "better for one and all", and the action of "better for one and all", everything became "better for one and all". The story of how your life which is a part of the world, and the world which is a part of your life, on every layer, became "better for one and all".​ All behavior better, all living conditions better, all technology better, all life better. Join me all shamans, all storytellers, all people who are a part of the story, in telling how all became "better for one and all". One choice at a time.