I had no
intention of writing a book. In fact, I had no intention of writing anything at
all. Initially, I simply lacked understanding and couldn’t make sense of the
world around me. I had a family, friends, a job, a decent life, but the world
at large made no sense at all. Politics, civilization, religion, science,
medicine, death, none of this was satisfactory, it didn’t mesh together and in
fact at first felt stagnant and then increasingly negative. I also felt as
though I was sinking into a pit of negativity on a personal level. This was
disguised as friends telling each other the truth about the reality of the
situation, but really it was just a whole lot of raining on each other's
parades. Looking back on my teenage years, and my early twenties, I could
distinctly remember the optimism, and radiant buoyancy of my personality. I
used to be cheery and the world had been sunny, but somewhere along the way, I
had met “reality” and was no longer interested in the sugar-coated world.
Reality was serious, and mean, and I had to keep my guard up because if I was
having fun, then something bad was waiting around the corner to ruin my fun. I
had managed to find a balance of nothing good happens without bad, but
hopefully not too bad, and that was my life.
It was then
that I got a nudge in understanding by being introduced to some novel concepts.
These concepts were new and exciting, and they explained things to a greater
degree, but there was a very negative reality attached to them. In this new
reality there was a lot more to existence, plenty to do, and plenty of
potential growth, but the “dark side” was winning, and overall things looked
dim. This did not sit well with me at all, but it got me to expand my thinking.
I started reading things I had never considered reading, the internet was
suddenly full of information showing me possibilities, and a new way to grow
was being offered. New “laws” and new ways of looking at things were available,
and everything was based on love and freeing myself from fear, and all I had to
do was ask. The entire message was “what do you have to lose by feeling love,
and asking yourself for whatever it is that you want?” Driving in my car on the
highway one day, as I listened to a recording of this idea, I thought it was
laughable, but I also thought “what does it hurt, and what do I have to lose?”
So I thought about what I wanted, and then I said “I want to understand the
world around me”. And nothing happened. I know, I was disappointed at that
moment as well. The first realization didn't come for a week, but when it did
it stunned me. I was listening to something and suddenly I “understood”, I
understood the information underneath the words. It was a stunning moment, but
that was it, a moment. Then another moment came a week later. Again I was not
looking for it, but suddenly I had a deep understanding of what I was thinking
about. Now I have these amazing feelings of realization and awareness on a
daily basis, the feeling of “I get it”.
Looking back
I can only describe the experience as going from zero to sixty in a few
seconds. When I stumbled onto my genie’s lamp, unrealized by me, I asked for
more wishes. Specifically I asked for the knowledge to understand, a friend of
mine was the one who laughed and called it “wishing for more wishes”. Unlike
the books and stories I had grown up with, in my reality this was a completely
valid wish. What followed was an eye-opening experience of my opinions
adjusting, and realizations coming to me that I felt I needed to share. Needing
to share is exactly what I felt, a strong need and imperative that this may be
helpful to someone else, as well as a feeling of excitement and joy at the idea
of sharing my opinions. Please remember that what you are reading is my realizations
and my opinion on how things work. It is just that, MY OPINION. In fact, this
is exactly what I believe the world around us is; a collection of opinions all
meshing together to create a single experience and world that fits in with our
established beliefs. Whatever you just thought when you read the preceding
sentence, that thought, was your opinion formed by everything you know coming
to the foreground to influence what you think about what you’re reading. What I
would like to share is my opinion on the importance of “is my current opinion
better than the possibility being offered?”
The world
around us, as I see it, is a collection of proof for what we choose to believe
and accept as possible. If we choose to believe in flying cars, then the proof
will appear to support our opinion. It will take whatever form necessary to be
acceptable by us, be it scientific articles on new propulsion, lighter
materials, laws on private flying licenses. It will be seamless and possible,
describable as “of course” and “naturally”. Time is the adjustment necessary
for you to believe or accept the new adjusted reality. The more receptive we
are to reality-defying possibilities the more “unbelievable” and faster
appearing the proof will be, but always within the realm of possibility, no
matter how remote, for US. Yes, us. What I believe we experience is our own
personal realities (opinions creating experiences) being influenced and thereby
adjusted by everyone else’s personal realities (opinions creating experiences),
creating a larger reality which combines everything and all opinions into a
working mechanism of events and their interpretations. Everyone has opinions,
some keep them to themselves, some share them and some force them onto others.
These opinions create ideas and possibilities, be they pleasant or unpleasant,
they are still possibilities, giving you a choice to accept or reject the new
ideas based on whether they would be more or less pleasant relative to your
current reality.
I would like
to share my opinion on the possibility of what reality is, as I see it. If this
works for you, accept it, if not then reject it. It is my opinion and your
choice. I will offer no sources for anything I propose. Not because they don’t
exist, but because they exist as proof only for me, you may not believe them.
Whatever you decide to believe and accept as your opinion after reading mine,
you will be able to find proof and support of for yourself. This is all my
opinion on how the world works, and the repetition of a pattern on different
levels. I offer this opinion in the hopes of offering a better way to see the
world around us. Enjoy, and hopefully find useful, my opinion on what reality
is. There is no time, but if you would like to save some of it, skip to the
last chapter for the meaning of life.
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